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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

how to respond logically rather than emotionally?

respond logically vs emotionally

The two voices in us - The head & the heart. Logic & Emotions. The non-feeling versus the feeling. Almost everyone wishes they could have the ability to think clearly even in situations where thinking clearly becomes tough. Who wouldn't want to be a purely logical person - someone who makes the right decision, the right call, say the right thing at the right time, to the right person and in the right manner always and every time. However, to reach such a level of maturity and leadership - it takes experience. And experience comes only from making lots and lots of mistakes. And mistakes comes - well from the learning curve.

So now, how does one learn to respond logically rather than emotionally?
The only answer I know and the only way I know is to face each and every situation where emotions are being challenged and to do one's best to face these situations over and over again. Because the more you face such situations, the better your ability to think and logically decipher the right course of action gets formed over the period of time.

What exactly does logic mean logic according to the Cambridge English dictionary is defined as a particular way of thinking especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgment. now that we know the definition of logic let's look at the definition of emotion the Google definition of emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind that derives from a person circumstances mood or relationships with others feelings are temporary feelings will set you back sometimes if you believe them feelings are not always reliable and that's the main issue we have to accept that and a part of learning the game is to know your weakness and to work around that.

I would recommend the following for responding logically rather than emotionally: -

  • number one is writing it down when you write a particular the thing down a particular situation of a particular challenge or a problem now you're able to read it okay so then what you do is ask yourself if this person was my best friend what would my answer  be say for instance, let's say that someone I love really cheats me what would be my response obviously if I loved someone I like them and they cheat me I have to be like no maybe the person had a bad day maybe the person didn't know what they were Doing then let's flip the situation and let's imagine someone you hate absolutely they cheated me how do you respond so obviously when a person you hate and cheat you you'd be like no this person is a bitch this evil person this a person always wanted to harm me so you see the emotional response and then you look at a person emotionally in a positive way and the emotionally negative way so what do you need to do is the two extreme ends bring it to somewhere in the center what I would look at it as is I obviously look at it in the positive and the negative way if I love this person this already respond if I hate this person I do opinion survey in between so my emotional response would be  let's say I do not know the person may respond will be I don't trust the person ever again for the person who has cheated me so in order for you to come to this level of understanding understand that you need to have a certain level of awareness when you have an awareness when you are aware of yourself then you can be logical and in order to be aware of yourself I would say that you need to surround yourself with logical people who are far more mature than you who are emotional but they have got all the leadership sense to make the right decisions.

  • Consider your physiology many of us think that emotions come from our psychology very often though they can also come from our physiology that is to say that our emotions are dictated by the things that are going on in our bodies for instance if you are in a bad mood then it could be because you're low on blood sugar our bodies use high blood sugar as a signal to create feel-good hormones when it drops we produce cortisol which makes us anxious and hangry you might be tired too or perhaps your emotions could be getting in the way either way, you need to consider the role of your physiology as well as the role of your mind.

  • Control your thoughts that said controlling your thoughts is also, important techniques used in CBT cognitive behavioral therapy teach us to challenge negative thoughts and to even test our unhelpful beliefs this means first identifying the things we think and the things that are causing our bad state of mind and then asking whether those thoughts are true or useful.

  • meditate there are countless good reasons to meditate one of the most important though is that meditation can improve your emotional control your focus and your discipline this is literally a process that involves focusing your mind and avoiding distracting thoughts and if you can do that then you can avoid distracting emotions as well in the short term a bout of meditation is a great way to calm your racing mind in the long term it is a powerful tool for enhancing your emotional stability.

  •  Read a lot of logical books read books which challenge your emotional thinking what happens is when you look at things from different  angles your research and read more books which speak against your thinking that really kind of opens your mind.

  • Gets into the habit of debating with people not just debating for a sake of winning but debating whereby you not only focus on your core beliefs but look at it from their point of view and challenge yourself so when you do this activity as a devil's advocate you get different different angles.

when you do this it really challenges you to look at things in a logical manner. Remember this you will make mistakes you will fall you will have moments of blunders big blunders yeah it's part human nature but however, the main thing is for you to learn for you to be aware of you to evolve through your mistakes so this is  how to respond logically rather than emotionally.

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