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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

how can workout benefit your health?

workout benefit

Physical Exercise is Vital for a Healthy Brain and Body. Physical fitness through exercise is one of the most common pieces of advice offered by medics across the planet. There are many benefits to exercising when done correctly. Some of the most common include improved blood flow, general body fitness, weight loss, and stress relief. regular physical activity can lower your risk of heart and circulatory disease by 35% when you are active the heat produced by your muscles increases your body temperature making you feel warmer 
your heart starts to beat faster pumping more blood to the muscles you are using 
your heart is also a muscle if you are active regularly it gets bigger and stronger your muscles are working harder so they need more oxygen you start to breathe faster so your blood can pick up more oxygen from your lungs work harder to make this happen once 
your blood has picked up oxygen it moved to the muscles, you are using giving them the extra oxygen they need if you are active regularly more capillaries grow in the muscles, you've been working this is one reason why activity starts to feel easier over time getting active is great for people with diabetes if you have type 2 diabetes you have too much 
glucose in your blood probably because you don't have enough insulin physical activity helps you use the insulin you do have it also helps your cells use glucose even when there is no insulin regular physical activity can improve your memory and attention span over time the bit of the brain involved in memory and learning seems to get bigger long-term physical activity leads to lower resting heart rate and lower blood the pressure this helps cut your risk of heart and circulatory disease and there are more reasons to smile when 
you're active your brain produces chemicals called endorphins these reduce feelings of pain and make you feel more positive getting active cuts down on stress hormones reducing anxiety combined activity with a balanced diet and you'll help yourself reach and maintain a healthy weight.

1 Boost The Memory Studies conducted on the hippocampus among children, adults and the elderly showed that the brain structure grew after aerobic exercise. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that holds the memory, and therefore crucial for learning abilities. 2 Improve Concentration Exercise improves the ability to focus on one task, ignore distractions, and also hold and manipulate information. Aerobic exercises improve retention among students, and therefore crucial for children, adults and even the elderly. As well 3 Improve Mental Health Physical exercise is a great mood enhancer. The feeling of elation experienced after exercise is real and should be used as an alternative stress reliever. A 2010 study conducted for eight weeks showed a significant decrease in the amygdala after yoga and meditation. The amygdala is the part of the brain that is implicated in processing stress, fear, and anxiety. 4 Slowing Cognitive Decline Physical exercise delays the onset of mental wear and tear, and dementia, especially among the elderly. It pays to exercise early in life to avoid mental illnesses that come with old age. A study published in Neurology suggested that women who were physically fit in their middle ages were 88% less likely to develop dementia than their peers who were only moderately fit. 5 Physical Fitness and Weight Loss A study published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that an active exercise training program was ideal for reducing weight and improving physical fitness among obese children. The effects were possible even without a change in dietary composition. 6 Protection of the Body against Age-related Decline According to a study published in the Journal of Aging Research suggests that physical activity maintained throughout life is accompanied with a lower risk of developing chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases associated with chronological aging. 7 Improved Heart and Lung Health When done on a regular basis, physical activity, both moderate and intense, lowers the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscles and their ability to pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. The lungs automatically pick up the pace to keep up with the exercise and, therefore, become stronger. 8 Increases Lean Mass and Strength High-frequency training and low-frequency training both contribute to improvements in lean mass and strength in men and women. Strength training also helps alterations in metabolism, increase in bone density, reduces the risk of injury, and even rebuilds lost muscle. The buildup of muscle is necessary for preventing a resting metabolic rate that causes obesity. 9 Improved Cholesterol Levels Regular physical activity and exercise are effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and thus prevent the onset of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Clinicians can recommend aerobic training, or resistance training to ensure that healthy cholesterol levels are achieved. 10 Prevention and Management of Diabetes Regular exercise can help delay or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by 60%. Daily physical activity, aerobic exercise, or resistance training prevents sugar-build up in the blood. Insulin sensitivity increases and the body can take up glucose during and after activity. Any form of physical activity that helps the body burn calories, e.g. walking, cleaning, mowing the lawn is beneficial and should be included in daily routines.

11 It improves sexual performance Regular exercise can improve sexual drive, activity, and satisfaction. Physical endurance and muscle tone improve sexual functioning and exercise jumpstarts the sympathetic nervous system, which increases blood flow to the genital area. Consistent workouts can boost your sex life.
12 helps you to sleep better Working out helps you fall and stay asleep more easily and increases the amount of time you spend in the deepest stage of sleep. It also improves the quality of your sleep by making the transitions between cycles smoother and more regular. Exercise resets the circadian rhythm. After a workout, the body's internal temperature returns to baseline and signals the brain that it's time for sleep. Try to give yourself at least one or two hours to wind down post-exercise otherwise those endorphins remain too energized to sleep.

Exercising for just 10 minutes a day or 75 minutes a week can earn you an extra 1.8 years so next time you think you're too busy, think about it this way: You're shaving off years of life.

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